Monday, November 3, 2008

A reflective moment....

I am still undecided on whether I loved or hated the blog tutorials. I must say that before we started them, I had thought that blog tutorial weeks would be like weeks off, in a way, as we didn't have to stick around uni, and could spend abit of time just typing up some thoughts on the topic/ readings. I though that this would be easy, as I spend alot of time on the internet during the week. However, I found that in reality, alot more work goes into preparing your post. In the end rather than having a tutorial discussion which branches off onto lots of different paths, covers lots of ground and which is over in an hour, you are faced with a blank page and a keyboard. I find that with these posts people (me included) put in alot more effort to sound more....I guess you could say 'scholarly'. There are no colloquialisms, and the discourse is alot less conversational- there is alot less room for discussions to become heated and interesting.
I must say that it was quite a relief to return to the offline classroom after the online weeks.

Nonetheless, there is alot of space for those who aren't loud and confident in class to express their opinions. I found it good in the way that an idea can be developed in an online situation- in class lots of good ideas and points can be cut short, with people cutting in with other points, and only one idea at a time can be extended and developed, as in tutorials only one person is really supposed to talk at once. On the internet, however, thre is opportunity for each individual to develop and extend ideas and thoughts, which is beneficial to the whole class.

Am I a cyborg? Yes. I would go into detail here, but the answer is a definite yes. I think the internet is amazing, and love the way it lets me explore the world, explore other people's minds, find (and purchase) (and sell) weird and wonderful things etc. etc. etc.

This unit overall has been really great and really relevent to modern life.

Have fun with exams everyone ! x