Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reflective Post - Week 12.

I really enjoyed the use of weblogs for this unit. In fact I would say it was my favourite part! Apart from the convenience of it, it was interesting to watch a weekly tutorial function in a web environment. It was especially useful during my week for presentation as I was able to post my reading quite early and then monitor comments and discuss throughout the week. Perhaps the greatest advantage was being able to gain insight into the thoughts of everyone in the tutorial, not just those people who are confident speakers. This style forced ALL members to contribute so I believe discussion was more diverse. I am definitely a cyborg more then ever before! I think nowadays it is so much easier to absorb technology and register it into our lives so to me this is like the next level of web interaction and has given me insight into how I can represent myself through an online opinion.

Thanks for a great semester!


1 comment:

Nikky said...

Since I was never technically in this tut but rocked up to it for the last two weeks anyways I guess I should thank you guys for putting up with me :D

On the Friday @ 11:00 blog I've posted the youtube links of flash mobbing I mentioned in the tut today. Spread the word XD
